Thursday, November 7, 2013


Let's begin by getting one thing straight. All moms work. Period. Please don't let the title of my new blog throw you off. I have the utmost respect for every "type" of mom out there. We are all moms. We are all, in our own way, working moms.
I, however, happen to be a mom of two beautiful girls, and I also happen to work full time. Why did I decide to start a blog? Funny you should ask. While driving home from picking up my two beautiful girls from daycare this evening (we'll call them Thing 1 & Thing 2 for now), Thing 1 informed me that she had to puke. Then she proceeded to vomit all over herself, her carseat, and my car. I had to cut her shirt off. Yes, it was that bad. Of course Husband was out of town for work so I called in reinforcements (Grandma and Grandpa) and after spending a couple of hours cleaning up vomit and lysoling various items around my house, I had a minute to relax. It was at this point that I decided to start a blog.
In a matter of hours I had changed from one person to another. I went from helping customers and studying for a licensing exam to scrubbing puke off my car seat with upholstery cleaner. I decided to start a blog so I could remember these moments because everyone keeps telling me time will pass faster than I think. Hopefully this blog will serve as a record I can look back on to remember the good, the bad, and the messy times, and maybe I'll be lucky enough to be inspired or inspire somebody else along the way.
Cheers! E